3.1 million “fully vaccinated” Canadians to be denied access to many countries due to vaccine mixing


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3.1 million Canadians received mixed vaccines, a decision that is coming back to haunt many residents as they look to travel abroad this summer.

Despite research showing that mixing vaccines produces a more significant immune response, many countries are opting not to recognize these combinations for a “fully vaccinated” status.

The news only gets worse for CoviShield recipients with as many as 13 EU nations, including Italy and Portugal, not recognizing the vaccine at all. This accounts for a further 81,000 Canadians who received at least one dose of the Indian produced AstraZeneca vaccine.

The horror stories are beginning to flow including the Ontario couple who had to cancel their honeymoon because of the problems with their mixed vaccination status. Even more unfortunately for them, Barbados (their destination) recently reversed the decision and now recognize mixed vaccinations.

The tide is beginning to turn with Canada campaigning for acceptance on the global stage. However progress is slow, with many cruise lines still not sympathetic to mixed vaccines, reserving the right to deny passengers that don’t meet their criteria for “fully vaccinated”. This is problem that we shouldn’t expect to face when Canadian cruise ships return in November.

What can be done?


Justin Trudeau addressed the problems facing Canadas vaccination strategy recently, stating:

“We’re going to work with the international community to make sure that people who are fully vaccinated in ways that Canadians recognize as safe and effective are also recognized around the world.”

However, in the week since, there has been little reassurance on the matter.

Want to stay on top of it all? Then get in touch with one of our experienced travel agents and we will do all the worrying for you! Inspired is offering Fee Free Travel for the Month of August, so there is no cost in trying out our wonderful service!


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